Saturday 23 January 2016

Audience Feedback for Second Draft of Trailer

After finishing our second draft of the trailer for 'Wiccan', we asked potential audience members for their feedback to improve for our final cut. Watch their feedback in the video below!

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Audience Feedback for Second Drafts of Print Work

After creating a second draft for our poster and magazine, we took to Twitter to gather audience feedback on the print work. 

We received various feedback from a range of people that would fit into our target demographic. Below we have presented our audience feedback for the poster and magazine for 'Wiccan'.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Pick-Up Shot List

After our first draft, we have decided to film pick-up shots to improve the draft. Below are the shot lists for the shots we plan to re-film.

Friday 15th January

Monday 18th January

Sunday 10 January 2016

Self-Assessment of Practical Work

Part 1: Trailer

Part 2: Print Work

Plan of actions based on findings:

Use a wider variety of shots (dutch tilt)
Incorporate more shots with blood in for sinister vibe
Re-film shots with Elizabeth and make the happenings look more real and horrific
Film shot at very end of trailer that reveals the demon's hand creeping up on Violet
Re-film the crucifix shot as it leaves the frame
Edit the new footage to fit the music
Add billing block to poster