Monday, 30 November 2015

Audience Feedback for Font Decisions

When creating our promotional campaign for 'Wiccan' we felt the font was very important. To create a brand for our film, we needed an eye-catching and effective font that audience members will like. We created a Twitter account (@Wiccan2016) and tweeted a poll for the audience to vote for their favourite font.

The first font, Stonehenge Regular proved most popular with our respondents, winning by 60% (seen in the screenshot below). This influenced us to use this font throughout our trailer, poster and magazine promo.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Group Meetings Log (So Far)

Uses and Gratifications

Monday, 23 November 2015

Comparative Shots

In Carrie, she takes to the library to find books about her powers, similar to our trailer where Violet is in the library and finds the Book of Shadows. Violet becomes more powerful when she finds the book, similarly to Carrie who becomes more knowledgeable when she finds more about herself through the books. To show this through cinematography, we were influenced by the low angle shot to show their new found power and superiority - they are different from the rest of society.

This shot in our trailer for Wiccan was influenced by a series of shots in Orphan where a laptop is used to research something in order for the narrative to progress. We chose this as inspiration as it establishes the time in which the film is set (modern day) and also provides some interesting visuals.

After watching the trailer to Annabelle, we particularly liked the shot where Mia squeezes John's hand for a sense of security and protection. We thought it was a powerful shot and more effective than dialogue. This influenced the shot where Violet squeezes Eva's hand in our trailer, again to show Violet needs protecting from an evil spirit and she relies on Eva as she is supposedly more experienced in Wicca.

After creating a recreation for the trailer to Evil Dead, this shot of Mia talking to David particularly stood out as it visually created a new way of showing dialogue between two people by avoiding the usual over shoulder shots which also contributed to the fear and tension to the trailer's narrative. When the Spirit Guide reveals Violet is attached to an ancient demon, there is an extreme close up of her mouth as she tells her making it more personal and uncomfortably intimate.

This shot in our trailer was influenced by such shots like the one below, from Case 39. Here we can see the main protagonist of the film, Emily, framed between the slightly open door. This clearly suggests Emily's entrapment that she has gotten herself into - there is nowhere to go and no turning back, she is trapped within the case of Lilith. The shot of Violet suggests a similar meaning; she is trapped between the door frame to suggest she is trapped in Wicca (the devil has her now).

Editing Styles in Existing Products

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Group Communication

Communication within our group was key throughout the research, planning and production of our trailer. By having good communication, we were able to progress more efficiently. Below are some examples of key communication within our group and the cast through iMessage and Twitter.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Close Analysis of Existing Products

In this post, I will be analysing a chosen scene from American Horror Story: Coven, an American TV series about a girl (Zoe) who joins a coven after discovering her witch-like powers. In the scene the Head of the Witches Council, Myrtle Snow who is burnt to the stake after killing her former colleagues. You can see this clip on YouTube below.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Potential Target Audience

I have created Facebook profiles for those that will love Wiccan and be a part of our main target audience.